Updated on 13.3.2025

The iCANDOC Precision Cancer Medicine (PCM) pilot is the largest Ministry of Education and Culture’s doctoral education pilots, awarded a total of 152 positions nationally. The aim of iCANDOC is to train doctorates within 3-4 years to address the acutely growing need in both the public and private health care sector. iCANDOC is based on the iCAN Digital Precision Cancer Medicine Flagship of the Research Council of Finland, with all Finnish Cancer Center FICAN regional cancer centers participating and with University of Helsinki and HUS Helsinki University Hospital as founding partners.  

The iCANDOC doctoral education pilot is a collaborative effort of the University of Helsinki (coordinator), University of Eastern Finland, University of Oulu, Tampere University, and University of Turku, along with HUS Helsinki University Hospital and the Wellbeing services counties of North Savo, North Ostrobothnia, Pirkanmaa, and Southwest Finland. Industry and third sector partners include Pharma Industry Finland, Healthtech Finland, Finnish Bioindustries, and Finnish Cancer Institute. iCANDOC company members will have an opportunity to to participate in PhD projects in various ways, including joint research projects and having doctoral students for secondment. All consortia partners are represented in the iCANDOC National Steering Group which oversees execution of the national pilot in alignment with the hosting organisations.

iCANDOC Curriculum

The iCANDOC curriculum will include dedicated activities by each of the universities doctoral education bodies and also a dedicated post-doctoral program to support supervision activities. There is also a possbility for secondments at possible future employers facilitated by iCANDOC partners Pharma Industry Finland, HealthTech Finland, Finnish Bioindustries, and Finnish Cancer Institute as well as all participating hospitals.

Additionally, iCANDOC doctoral researchers are welcomed to the vibrant iCAN community and events.
Upcoming iCAN events for iCANDOC doctoral researchers and supervisors:
iCAN Science Seminar Series
iCAN Symposium 2025 (25.-26.9.2025, Helsinki)

You can follow the journey of doctoral education pilot’s doctoral students from the University of Helsinki on the Helsinki Doctoral School’s blog “Doctoral Lounge“. See for example Sadegh Beikverdi’s post about the iCAN retreat 2024, and other iCANDOC related posts.

Photo of a large group of people
Group photo of the iCANDOC Welcoming Event on Aug 26, 2024 in Biomedicum for the first cohort of Doctoral Researchers at the University of Helsinki, their supervisors, and others involved in the pilot.

Information on the university-specific calls

iCANDOC doctoral researchers are offered three-year fully funded positions at universities within the five regional centres of Finnish Cancer Center FICAN, supervision by world-class scientists, and a degree that will support professional development and future employment.

iCANDOC Doctoral Researchers have a background for example in

  • working in an iCAN flagship-associated research group and leveraging data already gathered
  • translational, clinical or data science research
  • use of digital tools, including AI, in health

University of Helsinki 
In 2024, a total of 122 doctoral researchers were selected through the iCANDOC calls at the university of Helsinki. The first round in June 2024 brought in 78 doctoral researchers, and 44 doctoral researchers were selected in November 2024. Information on iCANDOC doctoral researchers, main supervisors with research topics is presented here.

Of the 122 doctoral researchers 59% are from Finland, 19% from other EU countries, and 22% from non-EU countries.
The program spans six participating UH faculties/units across three campuses: Meilahti (74%), Viikki (25%), and Kumpula (2%).

Contact: Prof. Tomi Mäkelä

University of Eastern Finland
All the doctoral researchers (5) in iCANDOC pilot at UEF were selected in the spring 2024 call.
Contact: Prof. Arto Mannermaa

University of Oulu
Calls for five positions, three at the Faculty of Medicine and two at the Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, were closed in Sep-Oct, 2024.
Contact: Senior Research Fellow Jussi Koivunen (Faculty of Medicine)
Senior Researcher Fellow Ritva Heljasvaara (Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine)

University of Tampere
All the doctoral researchers (10) in iCANDOC pilot at the University of Tampere were selected in the spring 2024 call. Read more on the doctoral researchers and their projects on iCANDOC Tampere webpage.
Contact: Prof. Matti Nykter

University of Turku 
Turku iCANDOC doctoral education pilot positions (10) have been selected. See the decision via this link.
Contact: Prof. Panu Jaakkola


Johanna Arola, Chair, University of Helsinki
Jari Koistinaho, University of Helsinki, HiLIFE
Johanna Mattson, HUS Helsinki University Hospital
Jorma Palvimo, University of Eastern Finland (UEF)
Jussi Koivunen, University of Oulu (UO)
Pia Vihinen, Southwest Finland (VARHA)
Matti Nykter, University of Tampere (TUNI)
Panu Jaakkola, University of Turku (UTU)
Teemu Murtola
, The Wellbeing Services County of Pirkanmaa (PIRHA)
Outi Kuittinen, The Wellbeing Services County of North Savo (PSHVA)
Jussi Koivunen, The Wellbeing Services County of North Ostrobothnia (POHDE)
Pauliina Ehlers, Pharma Industry Finland (PIF)
Saara Hassinen, Healthtech Finland / Terveysteknologia ry
Alexandra Peth, Finnish BioIndustries (FIB) / Suomen Bioteollisuus ry
Tiina Vesterinen, Finnish Cancer Institute

Presenter: Tomi Mäkelä, iCANDOC Director